Maya Deutsch is a rising junior pursuing an English Literature major and Japanese minor at Swarthmore College, where she also works as a Writing Associate. Since joining END she has developed an interest in digital materiality and remediation, interactive fiction, and any early novel with the word 'devil' in its title. In her free time, she enjoys reading the same sort of uptight literature she is assigned in class, visiting art museums, and hiding her embarrassing fondness for video game soundtracks.
Reflection: SCETI and the Labor of Digitization While working for END this summer my conception of digital texts has been continuously redefined through readings, attending lectures, and developing my personal project. Prior to END I viewed digital editions of texts with a certain amount of contempt and skepticism, as “less real” versions of works useful for parsing with the “find” function on browsers and little else. Although I still can’t imagine sitting down to read a novel on Project Gutenberg, my experiences... [Read more]