Text Analysis with R for Beginners - Summer 2015 Open Lab

Friday afternoons, 2-4:45, beginning June 5. Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania, Vitale II (room 623), sixth floor.

Weekly summer open lab focusing on computational text analysis using the free and accessible R Studio to reveal patterns in texts.

Join us in person Friday afternoons on the sixth floor of Penn’s Van Pelt Library as we work through Matt Jockers’s accessible textbook Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature, or follow along at home and post questions and comments on our workshop wiki space.

No previous experience necessary, no homework, and no need to come every week. To express interest email krawson@pobox.upenn.edu. A collaboration between the Penn Libraries W0rdLab, the Swarthmore Libraries, and the Early Novels Database.

Anticipated meetings: June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 10, 17, 31, August 7

About the Author

Rachel Sagner Buurma

Project Lead

Rachel Sagner Buurma
Rachel Sagner Buurma is an associate professor of English literature at Swarthmore College. She teaches and researches in the history of the novel, Victorian literature and culture, the history of the book, disciplinary history, and the intersection of literary-critical inquiry and information science.
